Thursday 19 April 2012


You are working on your planning, your filming or your editing. Please be ready to answer these questions when asked.

What is your goal today?

Reshooting our film which will hopefully be better
Do you have your shot list and script?

Do you have necessary props?

Not sure
What do you need to remember for tomorrow (ie continuity)?

have our film done
Does everyone have a job and know what they need to do?

REFLECT: What do you need to do for tomorrow? 

Do some editing to make the movie better and have the complete version done by then.

On your blog: Why is the dialogue from the movie you are working on effective? Is there anything you could cut or would reshoot given the opportunity? Do you have subtext? Could you? Where?

The dialogue for the movie we are working on is effective and short and I don't think theres any changes needed to be done I like it the way it is. we already got are shots but will be reshooting it because we had some change of plans. we will also be using subtext to extend the scene summary.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Film Studies: Opening Activity - explain you movie in one sentence. Ex "A billionaire weapons inventor dons an indestructible, high tech suit of armour to fight terrorists (iron man).

A safety video about a guy hanging out with friends and gets to an accident after he goes to work, the video tells you about being safe so that you won't get into an accident...

Thursday 5 April 2012

I think its Possible to do it but it will take time and patient and the right equipment (if we have them that is) and a lot of editing and work.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Watch this video that won the Lamb 2011 award for feature reporting, then respond to "Good writing is as much about what you choose to write as it is about what you don't write," What are the power visuals of this story in your opinion?

The visuals that caught my attention is how they never said anything to what was going on and was just straightforward to the point and let the the speakers tell us to whats going on and what its obviously going to be about. Powerful pointers that I notice is when the father and mother said that they will just spend the remaining time  jacob has and when they said that I thought it was really powerful same goes with the christmas song near the end and when they close up the mother kissing jacob in the forehead in the end that was really powerfull